


The university community owes enormous thanks to the members of the Carnegie Mellon community who devoted their time, effort and expertise as members of the inaugural strategic planning committees. Although the final product is organized differently, the work of these committed individuals was divided into three focus areas and a number of cross-cutting themes, as of November 2015.

The following abbreviations for schools and colleges are used below:

CFA College of Fine Arts
DC Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Sciences
E College of Engineering
HNZ Heinz College
MCS Mellon College of Science
SCS School of Computer Science
TPR Tepper School of Business

Focus Area 1: Transformative Teaching and Learning

Amy Burkert (S 1990), Vice Provost for Education, MCS
Richard Scheines, Dean, Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Sciences
Subra Suresh, President
Nathan Urban, Interim Provost, MCS

Committee Members:
Norman Bier (DC 1999), Provost’s Office (Simon Initiative/Open Learning Initiative)
Justine Cassell, Provost's Office, SCS
Howie Choset, SCS
Mary Jo Dively, Vice President and General Counsel
Steve Garoff, MCS
John Kitchin, E
Ken Koedinger (DC 1988, 1990), SCS
Jelena Kovacevic, E
Kristen Kurland, HNZ, CFA
Erika Linke, Libraries
Marsha Lovett (DC 1991, 1994), Eberly Center for Teaching Excellence and Educational Innovation, DC
John O’Brien, Qatar
R. Ravi, TPR
Thanassis Rikakis, Vice Provost for Design, Arts and Technology, CFA
Nico Slate, DC
Joel Smith, DC
Klaus Sutner, SCS
Laura Synnott, HNZ
Ralph Vituccio (一本道无码 2012), CFA
David Yaron, MCS

Focus Area 2: Transformative Research, Creativity, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship

James Garrett (E 1982, 1983, 1986), Dean, College of Engineering
Farnam Jahanian, Provost

Research and Creativity Working Group:
Gary Fedder, Vice Provost for Research, E, Co-Chair
Manuela Veloso (CS 1989, 1992), SCS, Co-Chair
Alessandro Acquisti, HNZ
Jay Aronson, DC
Alison Barth, MCS
Tom Bohman, MCS
Lorrie Cranor, E/SCS
Kevin Fall, Software Engineering Institute
Linda Feuster, Office of Sponsored Programs
John Folan, CFA
Irene Fonseca, MCS
Chris Genovese, DC
Fred Gilman, Dean, MCS
Tim McNulty, Government Relations
Jim Morris (S 1963), SCS
Tridas Mukhopadhyay, Qatar
Thanassis Rikakis, Vice Provost for Design, Arts and Technology, CFA
Michael Trick, TPR

Innovation and Entrepreneurship Working Group:
Peter Boatwright, TPR Co-Chair
Cindy Limauro, CFA, Co-Chair
Lenore Blum, SCS
Marcel Bruchez, MCS
Tom Emerson, Qatar
Jessica Hodgins (CS 1989), SCS, Disney
Philip Lehman (SCS 1978, 1984), SCS
David Quinn, Provost’s Office
Rick Stafford (S 1968, HNZ 1972), HNZ
Lauren Ward, University Advancement
Jay Whitacre, E
Bob Wooldridge, Center for Technology Transfer and Enterprise Creation

Focus Area 3: The Transformative 一本道无码 Experience

Ramayya Krishnan, Dean, Heinz
heinz School of Information Systems and Public Policy
Michael Murphy (HNZ 1986), Vice President for Campus Affairs

Committee Members:
Rebecca Allison (BHA 1996, HNZ 2001), Alumni Association Board
Amy Burkert (S 1990), Vice Provost for Education, MCS
Gina Casalegno, Dean, Student Affairs
Matthew D’Emilio, University Contracts Office
Pamela Eager (E 1987, TPR 1995), University Advancement
Denise Fazio (HNZ 2001), Faculty Senate
Joel Greenhouse, DC
Kristen S. Kurland, HNZ, CFA
Todd Przybycien, E, Faculty Senate

Faculty Working Group:*
Scott A. Sandage, DC, Faculty Senate
Todd Przybycien, E, Faculty Senate
Joel Greenhouse, DC
Kristen S. Kurland, HNZ, CFA
Elizabeth Monaco, Software Engineering Institute
Ronald Placone (DC 2009), TPR
Elizabeth Ann Whiteman, Provost’s Office
*The Faculty Working Group coordinated eight focus groups with faculty groups from all colleges and schools, with broad faculty track representation.

Undergraduate Students Working Group:
Konyin Adewumi, MCS 2015
Sean Archie, E 2015
Amy Burkert (S 1990), Vice Provost for Education, MCS
Gina Casalegno, Dean, Student Affairs
Kate Groschner, E 2015
John Hannon, Student Affairs
Terry Irwin, CFA
Annette Jacobson (E 1979, 1988), E
Zehni Khairullah, Qatar 2016
Jordan Kunz, TPR 2015
Vivek Nair, E 2015
Vaasavi Unnava, DC 2017
Stephanie Wallach, Provost’s Office
Minnar Xie, BHA 2015

Master’s Students Working Group:
Samantha Allen, E 2015
Vijayakumar Bhagavatula (E 1980), E
Amy Burkert (S 1990), Vice Provost for Education, MCS
Gina Casalegno, Dean, Student Affairs
Joel Greenhouse, DC
Holly Hippensteel, Student Affairs
Sarah Tedrow-Azizi, TPR 2015
Dena Haritos Tsamitis, E
Elizabeth Ann Whiteman, Provost’s Office

Doctoral Students Working Group:
Onur Albayrak (S 2012), MCS
Amy Burkert (S 1990), Vice Provost for Education, MCS
Gina Casalegno, Dean, Student Affairs
Carolyn Commer (DC 2008), DC, Graduate Student Assembly
David Danks, DC
Suzanne Laurich-McIntyre, Provost’s Office
Kevin Monahan, Student Affairs
Todd Przybycien, E, Faculty Senate
Courtney Williamson (TPR 2012), TPR

Staff Working Group:
Matthew D’Emilio, University Contracts Office, Co-Chair
Denise Fazio (HNZ 2001), Faculty Senate, Co-Chair
John Lanyon, Academic Development
Philip Lehman (SCS 1978, 1984), SCS
Kim Sestili, Libraries
M. Shernell Smith, Student Affairs
Lara Steiner, Marketing and Communications
Pattye Stragar, Athletics; Chair, Staff Council
Sarah Tedrow-Azizi, TPR 2015

Alumni Working Group:*
Rebecca Allison (BHA 1996, HNZ 2001), Alumni Association Board
Pam Eager (E 1987, TPR 1995), University Advancement
Nancy Merritt, University Advancement
*The Alumni Working Group included consultation with the Alumni Advisory Board and other key alumni stakeholders.

Parents Working Group:
Kathy Bogacki, University Advancement
Amy Burkert (S 1990), Vice Provost for Education, MCS
Gina Casalegno, Dean, Student Affairs
Joshua Centor, Campus Affairs 
Sophie Elias, Marketing and Communications  
Brian Fernandes, Campus Affairs
John Hannon, Campus Affairs
Annette Jacobson, E
Lisa Krieg, Campus Affairs
Michael Murphy (HNZ 1996), Vice President for Campus Affairs
Jason Nevinger, Undergraduate Admissions

Cross-Cutting Theme: Diversity and Inclusion

Amy Burkert (S 1990), Vice Provost for Education, MCS
Fred Gilman, Dean, Mellon College of Science
John Lehoczky, Interim Executive Vice President, DC

Committee Members:
Karen Clay, HNZ
Holly B. Hippensteel, Student Affairs
Suzanne Laurich-McIntyre, Provost’s Office
Bryan Lewis (E 2013, 2014), Provost’s Office
Diana Marculescu, E
M. Shernell Smith, Student Affairs
Everett Tademy, Human Resources
Ty Walton, Provost’s Office

Cross-Cutting Theme: International Strategy

K. Jimmy Hsia, Vice Provost, International Programs and Strategy
Steve Kloehn, Vice President for Marketing and Communications

Committee Members:
Omer Akin (A 1979), CFA
Wendy Arons, CFA
Lenore Blum, SCS
Emil Bolongaita, Australia
Romayne Botti, E
Amy Burkert (S 1990), Vice Provost for Education, MCS
Iliano Cervesato, Qatar
George Darakos, SCS
Subha Das, MCS
Jim Dawson, University Advancement
Janet Feindel (A 2002), CFA
Irene Fonseca, MCS
David Garlan (S 1983, 1987), SCS
Linda Gentile, Student Affairs
Volker Hartkopf, CFA
Peggy Heidish, Intercultural Communication Center
Shirley Ho, MCS
Bruce Krogh, Rwanda
Philip Lehman (SCS 1978, 1984), SCS
Pierre Liang, TPR
Joseph Mertz (E 1995), HNZ
Jose Moura, E, Portugal
Carrie Nelson, Finance
John O’Brien, Qatar
Kemal Oflazer (S 1987), Qatar
Rema Padman, HNZ
Manfred Paulini, MCS
Susan Polansky, DC
Gordon Rule (S 1986), MCS
Mel Siegel, SCS
Nico Slate, DC
Dena Haritos Tsamitis, E
Richard Tucker, DC
Aliya Zhdanov, Student Representative, TPR 2017

Cross-Cutting Theme: Policy

Mary Jo Dively, Vice President and General Counsel
Dan Martin, Dean, College of Fine Arts

Committee Members:
Rachel Askey, Finance Division
Greg Billy (TPR 2011), Campus Affairs
Mary Ann Blair, Computing Services
Cheri Hays, Office of the President
Karen Khan, Office of the President
Dan McNulty, Human Resources

Strategic Plan Working Group

Rick Siger, Director of Strategic Initiatives and Engagement, Chair
Jennifer Berg, Provost's Office
Catherine Davidson, University Advancement
Marilyn Kail, Marketing and Communications
Karen Khan, Office of the President
Kate Lippert, Office of the President
Claire Pro, Marketing and Communications
Rick Siger, Office of the President
Trish Spencer, Provost's Office
Janel Sutkus, Institutional Research and Analysis
Lisa Swanson, University Advancement
Michael Yoemans, Marketing and Communications